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Outer Hebrides Cyber Firm Receives CREST Accreditation

Closed Door Security, a leading provider of attack-driven cybersecurity services, today announced it has been accredited by the internationally-recognised professional certification board CREST, as being a trusted and expert provider of cybersecurity penetration testing.

The stamp of approval shines a spotlight on the only cybersecurity company in the Outer Hebrides and signals an opportunity for growth and recruitment.

Founded in 2021, Closed Door Security, is an attack-driven cyber specialist, which helps improve the security of its clients through red teaming and penetration testing. The accreditation demonstrates that CREST recognises the company as a trusted, qualified and competent provider of penetration testing, that possess the skills and expertise required to work with UK government agencies and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Closed Door Security is the only security provider north of Edinburgh to receive such recognition.

“We are delighted to receive this important stamp of approval as it provides independent validation of our skills and expertise. As the only cybersecurity company in the Outer Hebrides, we will use the accreditation to grow our business and reach more customers with our penetration testing services. A key part of this will involve a recruitment drive where we will be looking for technically minded locals to join our team and help protect our customers against the growing threat posed by cybercrime,” said William Wright, CEO of Closed Door Security.

CREST provides internationally recognised accreditation for organisations and individuals providing penetration testing, cyber incident response and threat intelligence services. CREST has developed and implemented a rigorous accreditation process and it has been designed to define good practice within the industry and to provide buyers with an indication of high quality.

“Today, all organisations are at a heightened risk of cyberattacks and as they continue to adopt hybrid working this is expanding their attack surface and creating new opportunities for cybercriminals. Penetration testing is a great way to conquer this threat as it provides a hands-on security audit of an organisation’s network through manual and automated checks. This recognition from CREST reinforces our position as a trusted and expert provider of security penetration testing and will enable us to reach more customers within the private and public sectors, helping them improve security while closing doors on malicious attackers looking to cause harm,” continued Wright.

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