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How do you cut through the noise and get noticed?

Check out this blog from Ruth McKay, Director of ScotlandIS member Uniq Sales and Marketing, discussing how to approach your marketing in order to make your brand stand out. This was the key topic at the recent ScotlandIS Marketing Meetup event, which Uniq supports.

“How do you cut through the noise and get noticed?” – this is one of the most common questions I am asked.

You would think that with all the marketing options available to us that marketing and reaching your audience would be easy, yet in many ways it’s never been harder. One of the real challenges we face is cutting through the noise when as customers, we’re inundated with advertising, media and messages on a range of devices. How do we reach our target audience and get our message across?

Two solutions

There are two solutions to this that you need to employ in your sales and marketing in order to cut through the noise.  

  1. Find your niche

    So many businesses we work with have too broad a target audience. The theory is that the more people and companies you market to, the more likely you are to generate leads and sales. That isn’t the case. What happens in reality, is that your marketing message and strategy is too broad and vague. It ends up being more about you as a business and what you have to offer as opposed to the customers you can help and the value you offer them. So step one is to find your niche and stick to it.
  2. Create a message that resonates with your target audience

    Having a message that resonates with your target audience is the critical factor to cutting through the noise. Your audience has to recognise it, feel that it rings true to them and it needs to demonstrate that you understand their perspective and their needs. The benefits you have to offer them have to be linked to a specific challenge they have. 

You can only achieve this if you have a niche market you’re looking to reach and that you listen to them. Hearing the language they use to describe their needs. That’s how I came up with the topic for this blog.

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