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First Minister gets demo on 5G from BT CEO

Philip Jansen, chief executive of BT, met with Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. Using Glasgow and Edinburgh’s 5G networks, the First Minister joined a lecture from Glasgow University, live by VR headset from her office in Edinburgh. The demonstration showed the potential of 5G to allow students and businesses to visualise the operations of a manufacturing site from anywhere in the world, removing the need for people to be physically present, reducing travel and increasing access to experts and facilities. The First Minister also saw how 5G can allow healthcare professionals to remotely diagnose symptoms, potentially saving lives and reducing travel for patients.

Philip Jansen, chief executive of BT said: “We showed the First Minister how our 5G network could bring a little bit of Glasgow to Edinburgh and vice versa. Our work to build out Scotland’s 4G and 5G networks continues at pace and we’re on the cusp of major technological shifts that will transform the way people live and work. The combination of full fibre broadband and 5G mobile will provide seamless and instant connectivity for businesses and communities in rural and urban areas.”

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister said: “The demonstration is a powerful illustration of what 5G can do for Scotland, challenging the need for people to be physically present, reducing travel and its associated impacts – and increasing access to experts and facilities regardless of location.

“It illustrates the importance of collaboration and underlines our vision for Scotland to be a forward thinking, global, digital nation. We remain committed to working with partners like BT to support people and businesses throughout the country to develop the knowledge and digital skills they need to embrace the opportunities new technology like 5G provides.”

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