march, 2025

Event Details
SEGEC (Scottish European Green Energy Centre) latest workshop will provide attendees new insight to the upcoming research and innovation funding which will support for technologies across the energy
Event Details
SEGEC (Scottish European Green Energy Centre) latest workshop will provide attendees new insight to the upcoming research and innovation funding which will support for technologies across the energy and low carbon sector.
The in-person event, which will be hosted at the Hilton Glasgow will focus on the European and International funding available to companies and other researchers from academia and the public sector.
Funding for 2025 will include the launch of the new Horizon Europe programme of calls. Attendees will get early access to these opportunities, prior to their publication. These include funding for research and innovation in the areas of the Energy Generation, Storage and Grids, Heating and Cooling / Built Environment and other areas.
In addition to the Horizon Europe Programme attendees will be able to find out more about the Global Business Innovation Programme, New round of Energy Catalyst funding, Eureka and the Clean Energy Transition Partnership.
Attendees will also have an opportunity to pitch their funding ideas to the audience during the days programme, with networking opportunities during lunch and available throughout the day.
This workshop is free to attend.
To find out more or sign up visit the registration page.
Who should join?
This workshop is of interest to innovative companies, universities, research bodies, and public sector organisations that are planning, supporting or interested in the available funding opportunities for energy and low carbon research and innovation projects.
(Monday) 10:00 am - 3:30 pm BST
Hilton Glasgow
1 William St, Glasgow G3 8HT
Scottish Enterprise Scottish Enterprise HQ, Atrium Court, 50 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 6HQ