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Cyber Specialisms: Space

This blog from Cyber Development Lead, David, explores how the cyber sector can collaborate with the space sector.

In addition to our current specialisms project we are also working to identify how best the cyber sector can assist in the protection of the rapidly evolving space sector.

Optimising the security environment for the space sector will depend upon the overall security position of the end-to-end supply chain supporting the space operators. Without visibility of the security throughout the supply chain it will not be possible to understand the risk environment and resulting operational challenges. As there is currently no regulation around the level of security undertaken the supply chain focus will most likely be driven by the end operators and forced back down to suppliers.

The opportunity for the cyber sector to engage with space suppliers will be in the delivery of current cyber activities to address vulnerabilities within each individual supplier but requires to be driven to a significant depth due to the nature and risk to operation of the final product. Utilising the current arsenal of security options to secure systems, communications, data storage and people will help to bring standardisation to the security stance.

As a sector it is important for the cyber industry to also focus on the development and adoption of new technologies within the space sector. The increased application of AI processes will require to be addressed to ensure continuity of protection within the rapidly changing deliverable services. Looking further to the future and the implementation of Quantum technologies will bring advances in the security stance but will also introduce vulnerabilities in current applications.

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