ScotlandIS will be responding to the Scottish Government’s call for evidence in relation to the Digital Ambition Strategy document. We would be grateful for your input to this consultation to help shape our response.
The questions below are the key areas we are seeking views on – you can view the strategy document here for more context around the strategy.
1. Do you think there are opportunities to realise the collaborative approach outlined within the strategy discussion document? Which of these opportunities do you think are the priority?
2. Is the vision that we have set out in the supporting narrative in each of the six themes the right one?
3. Do you think that the potential actions set out in each theme will deliver the vision set out in the supporting narrative? Are any of these actions more important than the others?
4. How realistic do you think it will be to deliver these potential actions?
5. Is there anything else you would like to comment on that has not been addressed elsewhere?
I look forward to your input as always and if you have any further questions then please feel free to get in touch with