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Digital Nation: An update Colin Cook, Digital Director, Scottish Government and Jane Morrison-Ross CEO, ScotlandIS

When in May we launched the Digital Nation challenge, calling on companies of all sizes to submit their ideas on how Scotland could become an innovative and inclusive Digital Nation to be proud of, we were confident we would receive an impressive response. We were not wrong. Businesses all over Scotland submitted their ideas and thoughts for the future. 

Your contributions have been vital – thanks so much for taking part.

Some of these ideas will be brought to fruition straight away – we are already working on a shared authoritative register of what businesses there are in Scotland, which will be developed through the CivTech process, as a direct response to this.

But beyond this, in the Programme for Government, the Scottish Government made a commitment to update Scotland’s Digital Action Plan. To fulfil this commitment, we will shortly be consulting on a new Digital Strategy for Scotland. The consultation paper has already been heavily shaped by the contributions of industry we received during the Digital Nation process and we will, of course, refer to them again as we finalise our future plans.  But we do not want this to be the end of our engagement with industry.

We will be launching the consultation process shortly, and there will be many opportunities for industry to contribute – including events held in partnership with ScotlandIS, details to be released soon. We want and need your views on how we can work together to ensure Scotland becomes a truly Digital Nation.


Colin Cook, Digital Director, Scottish Government
Jane Morrison-Ross, CEO, ScotlandIS

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