february, 2025

Event Details
Join our new series of events, ScotlandIS Tech Tidbits, on the first Tuesday of every month! These 30 minute webinars will be short, informative sessions on a variety of topics, from
Event Details
Join our new series of events, ScotlandIS Tech Tidbits, on the first Tuesday of every month!
These 30 minute webinars will be short, informative sessions on a variety of topics, from exporting to cybersecurity, cloud computing to procurement, and many more.
Each event will feature a ScotlandIS member offering their expert insights and advice on the topic in hand, however you do not need to be a member to attend these talks.
For our first event of the year, this February we’ll have Gareth Edwards, Chief Client Officer of GoCodeGreen, as our guest speaker!
GoCodeGreen is the leading Digital Carbon Sustainability Measurement & Consulting Business, based in Edinburgh.
Digital and technology is now the fastest growing source of emissions on the planet and with the growth of AI it’s only set to get worse.
What can you do as an individual and as an organisation to mitigate this impact? Find out why it’s not just a threat, but an opportunity too.
(Tuesday) 11:30 am - 12:00 pm GMT
ScotlandISScotlandIS builds, shapes and supports the digital technologies ecosystem.info@scotlandis.com Oracle Campus, Blackness Road, Linlithgow, EH49 7LR