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Getting to know you: Chris Toothill, Lead Process Analyst, Converged

Converged Communication Solutions is an independent, Aberdeen-based IT support, telephony and Internet service provider.  Established in 2005, the company has grown from a two-man operation into a fully integrated communications company with around 30 staff, which includes a strong technical support team.  The firm provides businesses across the north-east with a single and accountable service for their telephony, Internet and networking requirements.  Converged is an official partner of CityFibre’s Aberdeen project and has a strategic partnership with leading data centre provider brightsolid. Converged has built one of the most robust connectivity networks in north-east Scotland, providing companies of all sizes with a range of Internet connection options that can best support their needs. 

Where did your passion for digital come from?

My passion for technology came about by accident really. I was applying for university courses at school without much thought as a typical teenager does and I found a course at RGU called Business Information Systems. I threw an application in thinking it was a business management course, cause all teenagers who don’t know what to do want to “manage businesses”. On the first day I realised it wasn’t quite a business course as my first day was titled – Introduction to Java. Across my four years studying a computer science degree my passion for technology bloomed and I found a real passion that I enjoyed, all by accident.  The rest is history as they say and I am now heavily involved in utilising some of the latest technologies in the world.

Looking to the future, what do you see as being the next big thing in tech?

I think over the last 12 months we have noticed a big change in technology and its applications, the introduction of Alexa, Google Home, Siri are becoming a way of life. Now I think a wider spectrum of people are realising the benefits of technology especially in making their lives easier. This realisation is allowing developers to expand into areas that weren’t previously profitable. Voice technology and artificial intelligence is just beginning to take off. Learning behavioural patterns might be scary for some people but for others it could save them hours a week in performing basic tasks. There is a huge opportunity to bring this kind of technology into the office and apply basic business tasks. I think the main technology that will drive this development will be blockchain development, allowing several devices to communicate with each other and the wider world.


If you were speaking to a classroom full of 3rd year high school students how would you pitch the industry as the best place to be?

There are very few industries that give you the freedom, imagination and innovation all at the same time.  Often in the IT industry no problem is ever the same and you need to apply innovation to achieve the correct solution. If you want to learn every day, develop unique skills that can be applied in any industry and have fun whilst doing so IT is for you.

What’s your role and what does a typical day involve?

A typical day as Lead Process Analyst at Converged  mainly involves problem solving issues and developing solutions whether it be through developing code and software or implementing better working practise and processes. I am quite lucky in my role as I get to work on a range of different projects and develop some very exciting pieces of software to help drive Converged forward.

What’s your favourite thing about the industry?

My favourite thing about the industry is the level of innovation in the solutions being developed. A lot of the time IT gets over looked but the companies who embrace it and allow their staff to innovate are the ones who thrive. I was recently speaking to a graduate at an event who was asking advice about what level of innovation and imagination is acceptable in business and one answer was there is no limit, of course there are limits in terms of time and money, but innovation and imagination has no limit. 

What do you consider to be the biggest benefit of your ScotlandIS membership?

In an ever expanding industry it is vital to here what other companies are looking at for the future in terms of technology and development. I find one of the easiest ways to achieve this is through memberships such as ScotlandIS. Their meetings, events and articles really allow you to expand your knowledge within the industry.

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